Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Birthday

Kenzi first birthday

Yesterday my husband and I attended our granddaughters first birthday party.  The house was alive with little ones having a fun time of running through the house.  Kenzi wanted to join it but they kept knocking her down as they sped past her.  She is a trouper though.  No tears as she got back up and tried to go with the flow again.

The hitch came when she was to participate in the smash the cake ritual that all of my daughter-in-laws family do at the first birthday.  Her maternal grandmother had made the smash cake and Kenzi was supposed to get down into it with both hands and get covered in cake.   Kenzi was having no part in it.  She cried as her hand was pushed into the cake.   Oh well maybe next year. 

It was lovely to see all the little babies born at the same time as Kenzi and how sweet they all were.  Kenzi’s cake was an Elmo cake.  He is her favourite character. 

I am joining Mary for Mosaic Monday.  I can feel spring in the air even though we have quite a bit of snow left but the sun when it appears seems stronger and warmer and I can’t quite put a finger on it but it has that essence of spring. 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Abstract Flowers

 Flowers in abstract with pdpa sibelle

I found this photo in my Lightroom files yesterday and I decided to join Bonnie for her monthly Pixel Dust Photo Art PhotoArtFriday.

Her theme this month was funny enough abstract art.  So I added one of her textures called Si  Belle to my abstract flowers and that is it.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Violet in Bloom



Pink Violet mosaic

Recently I took an African Violet that had sprouted more than one root and divided it into 4 complete plants.  I have read that you are supposed to take off all the old leaves and I did sort of.  I put three plants in this greenhouse that I bought a few years ago at Homesense.  The other I put back in the kitchen with a plastic bag over its head.  It had blooms on it but I removed them.  When I took the bag off last week there were several more blooms forming.  I guess it had a notion to bloom and it was going to do it.   I have heard that African Violets are the easiest plant to grow but over the years I have killed my share.  I like to see them in bloom as they do have a pretty flower. 

I am joining Mary for Mosaic Monday.   Have a wonderful week.  If enough of us think spring maybe we can make it happen.



Hoping You Have a Blessed Easter