Every morning armed with my one of two cups of coffee I wander around looking to see what is new in the garden. I have discovered that I have a lot of daylilies and some I do not remember planting. When I see them bloom I try to remember where did that come from. I love daylilies so if there is one for sale at a church plant sale, fundraiser or in someone's garden I will bring home another one. The unfortunate part of doing this is that you have no idea what the name of the cultivar is. I am going to show you three of my collection that I do know the names of . The first above is Strawberry Candy.
This one is called Canada Goose. Don't know why. A Canada goose does not come in this velvety deep red colour. |
This is called Prague Spring. I love its delicate colours.
The Belamcanda chinensis is also called Blackberry Lily or Leopard Lily. It is not a lily at all but is in the Iris family. It has fan shaped leaves like the Iris with 6petaled orange flowers on it. The flowers only last one day. It is native to China and grows in partial shade to full sun. This plant is really at the end of its range in a zone 5 but it seems to come back in my 4b with a heavy mulch in winter.
Pink Diamond Hydrangea is coming into bloom. This large shrub stands at 7ft tall and at least 5 wide. I did not realize that it would be so large when I planted it. I give it a pruning in the spring to keep it in bounds. The blooms go from white to pink as they age. It is usually covered in bees and wasps as the flowers are very fragrant.
My cosmos are beginning to bloom also. The roaming ground hog chewed the tops of many of them. I am glad to see that they are doing fine now. This one was a pretty pink. I got fancy and texturized the photo with a light bokka.
Well I have lots more plants to show you but I will save some for another day. I hope you like these. I always enjoy showing them to you. It is amazing the plants that will grow in our sandy soil. Mother Nature has been very kind this year. Our summer has been the best in many for temperatures and growing conditions. Happy Gardening. Valerie |
You have lots of pretty flowers blooming now. I just bought 'Strawberry Candy' a week ago. I love the Blackberry lily, that's one I need to see if would grow here.
Hi Val, I love the light green center in Prague Spring. The garden is looking very colorful with all the different blooms.
Your hydrangea is quite lovely - amazing colour!
I'm like you in bringing home whatever daylilies are available, and not knowing many names. You know, they are still pretty, and look as nice as the ones whose names I remember.
Your other blooms are pretty, too.
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