Friday, January 14, 2011

A Easy Houseplant for Fertilizer Friday


I am sorry that I am late to post.  I had problems with my modem and had to get another one. I hate that when that happens.   I get crazy without the internet. 

As most of us know we are in the dead of winter and us gardeners are unable to get out an play.  Well, we could but it cold out there and our gardens are snug as a bug under the covering of white waiting for the signal that the earth is warming up again.   Indoors, in the Sandbox there is a few houseplants that keep some colour  and bloom going if I remember to water them.

Crown of thorns

Euphorbia millii or Crown-of-thorns is a tough plant that does quite well in my house.  It really doesn’t care if you forget to water it and maybe it prefers it that way.  It just blooms away anyway.  I have it sitting on the floor in a room that faces north so wouldn’t think that would be enough light but it doesn’t complain.  In the summer I put it outside on the deck.  One thing you will notice about this plant is the thorns or you prefer spines.  These are nasty but part of its allure.   Leafs are bright green.  The plant is listed as poisonous if eaten  and the sap it secretes in the form of latex is a skin irritant.  That being said maybe not a plant if your cat or doggie eats plants.  I would think the thorns would be a deterrent but who knows.


Here is a macro of the thorns or spines.  Looks vicious doesn’t it?

Euphorbia milii 1

But, isn’t this a sweet little flower?  How could you resist!  In summary, gives this plant 3 or 4 hours of light and average house temperatures.  Yes, it thrives in dry air. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. Use a fast draining medium for cactus if you are potting up.  Enjoy this really easy houseplant in your home.   I saw these plants growing in Florida in the soil so you know they like it warm. 

I am joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday.   Come on over and see what is happening out in brrrrr. Alberta.    Valerie


Fishtail Cottage said...

very sweet flower, but boy those are thorny careful! xoox

Darla said...

I've been lusting after this plant for some time now...I must just bite the bullet and buy one!

Tootsie said...

I have always wanted one of these...they are not common around here and I have never found one. Perhaps I should look in my seed books and try to do them in the greenhouse...thanks for the reminder and for linking in this week! I hope to see you a lot in this new year!

A Garden of Threads said...

Hi Val, It has a very dainty flower, but wow those thorns look nasty. Take care and enjoy the weekend. Jen

Teresa said...

Wonderful flowers. and does so well inside. i will have to be on the lookout for one.

Shirley said...

Hi Valerie. I've read about Crown of Thorns before. I was wondering, what is their size at maturity?

Karen said...

Wow, now those are some serious thorns! The flower is very pretty, love the color.

Heather at Dusty Bay said...

I'll have to look for that one, the flowers look so sweet and beautiful colour too!

Unknown said...

I have a white one that has been blooming for awhile now. Thriving in my neglect.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Val
When I looked after the plants at the Wellness Clinic, the owner was given a crown of thorns as a gift. It stabbed me so many times I decided to be mean to it and placed it on top of a bookshelf without much water.
Of course, it was very happy and bloomed to spite me. :-)

Infatuated with Homes and Gardens said...

Hi Val, This brought back memories my mum had one of these in her rockerie in the late 60's(showing my age now) and I haven't seen it anywhere since ,I will keep an eye now that you reminded me .I remember as a little girl being told that this was what used to crown Jesus before the crusifiction ,not so sure if it is true but fascintating anyway!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

I've killed this houseplant so many times - overwatering! It really does have a sweet flower but I don't like those little spines on the stem.

BTW you can download pixel bender toolkit on that link page and it works independantly from photoshop.

Alberta said...

Brilliant colour...sure to chase the snow blahs away!

Noel Morata said...


this is a beautiful and deadly plant, in hawaii they can grow to eight foot and higher :)

have a great weekend

Kruti said...

A relative of mine gifted me this plant, I was wondering what it is, I have no idea about plants. Thank you for your blog I got an insight of what is and its name.


Kruti said...

One relative of mine gifted this plant to me. I was wondering what it is. I have no idea about plants. Thank you for your blog. I got insight of what is this beautiful plant and its name?


Hoping You Have a Blessed Easter