Friday, August 16, 2013

Purple Annual for Day 16 August Break

purple annual


The flower pots are quite sad now at the end of the summer but this little purple annual is struggling on.




Pamela Gordon said...

Such a beautiful purple flower. My annuals are still going strong due to all the rain we've had. All except the New Guinea Impatiens baskets that were pretty well drowned while we were away. I'm leaving them out in hopes they might re-bloom. :)

Lisa Gordon said...

Valerie, this look like a beautiful painting.
I love the color and the wonderful softness.
I wish you a fantastic weekend!

Unknown said...

There's always some little flower vying for attention at this time of year - the little purple flower is lovely.

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's baskets are looking sad - dry weather and a week away pretty much did them in.

Hoping You Have a Blessed Easter